My little history... When I was only a child I used to play with my favourite toy: a couple of walky-talky.... In late 1994 at my universitary student age I don´t know How but one day I was reading a newspaper and suddenly I saw in "Shell & Buy Used" Section a cheap second hand Radio transceiver. I did not know about this hobby of Radio but y bought that equipmet... I was sure it was goint to like me! It was an old Super Star 360FM, a classic CB equipment, but I didn´t know nothing. I was half year in 40 CB channels, practising, making friends and learning about tecnic themes, antennas, equipments, Radio operation, etc. Then I get my first License (It was my student age and I hadn´t enoughtmoney) I started in SSB operation and I discovered then my two favourited Modes: DX and Digital Comunications. I was four years, amazing a lot on this way, I thought all Radio was 11 meters, but I started to listen about Amateur Licenses... Quickly I obtained my Class B Amateur Award in 1998 year althought I had to wait one year to buy mi first VHF equipment. Before this I began to practice Radio Packet, Repeaters, Satellite operation, APRS, etc. and when I had my first job I spent my first salary on my first decametric transceiver (MKIIG) after this my Station transceivers were better and better. Then in 2000 year I pass Class C exams and CW for EC License and nowadays I have First class License and I am still very active on Radio on different modes (DX, contest, digital modes, expeditions, SAT, etc) as mobile, portable and fixed station. I am member: URE, EPC# 5688, CDG# 0178, DMC# 1874, BCS# 361, FH# 1775, 070# 859, BDM# 101, OBC# 104, 30MDG# 1790, NDG# 0026, ERC# 0090, HPC# 230, FT8DMC #2772. I have had another calls: ECB11GRS, EB7EZU, EC7DTY, EA7AHA, EH7AHA, ED7PMC, ED7ARP, AO7AHA... |