This is my PORTABLE Station:

Kenwood TH-D72
Dual (RX in two frequencies at same time), Biband, Full Duplex, APO, PC USB connector, incorporated TNC + GPS, APRS (no necessary PC), remote control, DCS, CTCSS, DTMF, Bat Saver, AIP (Advanced Intercept Point), Air Band AM receptor, etc.

Previous Equipment:

Kenwood TH-D7

Yaesu FT-817ND
Yaesu FT-817 ND
Ultra-compact QRP transceiver, HF+VHF+UHF on AM,FM,SSB,CW modes, Memory Channels, VOX, APO, Visual Scan, Battery Remaining meter, Battery Saver, Attenuator, etc.

FT-817ND Video DX using 5w and original antenna and battery

Using TH-D7

Portable contacts, usually made from my car using base antennas

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